Lots of people know facts about Jesus, and maybe you could spout them too: Jewish guy, virgin birth, 12 disciples, died on a cross. While the facts are important, many people stop there and miss the point of His whole time on earth: to give us the opportunity to know God personally.
He loves you so much! Not only did He leave Heaven to come to earth and teach us what God was like, He also died an incredibly painful death for sins He didn’t commit, so that you could have a relationship with God. Romans 5:8
Accepting Jesus’ death on the cross as the payment for your sins and beginning a relationship with Jesus is called salvation. It is a gift from God, not something you can earn, inherit, or manipulate God into giving you. Faith is the only thing that is required for you to receive God’s forgiveness of your sin and to start a relationship with Him. Ephesians 2:8
Scripture teaches us that when you believe in who Jesus is (God, who was crucified and rose from the dead) and confess Him to be the Lord of your life, you have His forgiveness, His presence in your life, and His assurance of eternity. Romans 10:9
Don’t mistake salvation for some sort of spiritual check box. This is about a relationship with the God of the universe. Following Jesus means doing just that – following His plans and His will for your life instead of your own. It is not easy, but it is worth it.